
Vision Nationals at work:


Training Nationals. We train nationals on two fronts: Through Master’s College of Theology, our fully accredited Seminary, we are training up the next generation of Indians to reach the educated urban population. More…

Transforming Lives. Master’s Home for Children provides for the spiritual, physical, emotional and educational needs of over 140 children. Some of our children come from very poor families and some are orphans. Master’s School is a Christian school we run to educate the children in our Home. More…

Restoring Joy. Our widows ministry provides more than 25 women with medical care and basic needs. Life Clinics are held in slum areas around the city as well as on campus to provide medical care and medicines to those who could otherwise not afford them.

Other Recent Vision Nationals Works

nepal map


In recent history, Vision Nationals worked in Nepal. The ministry established a children’s home to care for the under privileged as well as creating a home for widows. In order to help the widows survive, a bakery was created to give the widows a place to work and make income.

This ministry is now independent.


Vision Nationals also recently worked in Thailand helping to create and establish a home for children with AIDS or for orphans whose parents dies of AIDS.

This ministry is now independent.